Based on the archaeal and bacterial cell membrane lipid glycerol tetraalkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGTs) based on the ancient temperature indicators of tetraether index (TEX_ (86)) and methylation / cyclization indicators (MBT / CBT), and terrestrial input Indicators (BITs) and drought and salinization indicators R_ (i / b) have been widely used in paleoenvironment reconstruction of sediments such as oceans, lakes and loess-paleosol. However, when using these molecular markers to reconstruct the paleoenvironment, the influence of oxidative degradation factors on the GDGTs compounds, especially the bacterial branched GDGTs, is not yet clear. In this study, hydrogen peroxide was used to simulate the effects of different oxidation levels on GDGTs compounds in soil. Then the differences of antioxidant capacity of different GDGTs compounds between archaea and bacteria were analyzed to understand the effects of chemical oxidation and degradation on GDGTs. The results showed that the anti-oxidative capacity of archaeal isoprene GDGTs was lower than that of bacterial branched-chain GDGTs, while both the archaea containing bacteria and GDGTs of bacteria had lower anti-oxidative abilities than GDGTs. The paleontal temperature indicator TEX_ (86) of archaea GDGTs decreased gradually during oxidation, and the TEX_ (86) indicator of archaeal GDGTs deposited under oxidative conditions was underestimated. The bacteria MBT / CBT index was largely unaffected by the deepening of the oxidation in the environment dominated by the uncyclic bacteria branched GDGTs. The difference of antidegradability of archaea and bacterial GDGTs led to the BIT index of terrestrial input index increasing with the increase of oxidation degree. It is possible to use this index to restore ancient terrigenous input in geological bodies. Aridification and salinization index R_ (i / b) with the deepening of the degree of oxidation showed a gradual downward trend, which may be underestimated in the application. It should be pointed out that the hydrogen peroxide used in the laboratory is much more oxidized than the oxygen under natural conditions and the conclusions of this paper reflect an extremely extreme situation.