The Bohai Bay Basins include more than 60 extensional sags filled by Eocene and Oligocene sediments. Most of the sags are half-grabens controlled by NE-NNE striking normal faults. The Paleogene depoaxe s of these sags migrated towards NW-NWW or SE-SEE, the directions parallel to the dips of the major faults. This implies that the extension of the major faults instead of their strike-slip, controlled the basin architecture. Therefore, the Bohai Bay Basins do not belong to a kind of pull-apart basin. It is the shapes of the major faults that controlled the geometry and filling sequence of the Bohai Bay Basins, which were proven by our sandbox experiments. A simple half graben is form on the hanging-wall of a simple listric fault, whereas a complicated half-graben on a ramp-flat fault.
The Bohai Bay Basins include more than 60 extensional sags filled by Eocene and Oligocene sediments. Most of the sags are half-grabens controlled by NE-NNE striking normal faults. The Paleogene depoaxe s of these sags migrated towards NW-NWW or SE-SEE , the directions parallel to the dips of the major faults. This implies that the extension of the major faults instead of their strike-slip, controlled the basin architecture. Therefore, the Bohai Bay Basins do not belong to a kind of pull-apart basin It is the shapes of the major faults that controlled the geometry and filling sequence of the Bohai Bay Basins, which were proven by our sandbox experiments. A simple half graben is form on the hanging-wall of a simple listric fault, an a complicated half-graben on a ramp-flat fault.