依法履职 实现正义 维护法治

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根据澳门特别行政区基本法和司法组织纲要法的规定,检察院作为澳门特区依法独立行使检察职能的司法机关,在检控犯罪,保护合法权益,实现正义,维护法治方面承担着重要的职责。2011年,检察院坚持客观、公正、不偏不倚的原则,认真履行了各项职能。一、领导刑事侦查,检控刑事罪行检察院下设各办事处,包括检察院驻终审法院办事处、驻中级法院办事处、驻初级法院办事处、驻行政法院办事处,以及独立运作的刑事诉讼办事处。对刑事案件进行立案、侦查、起诉、支持起诉等,是澳门检察院所承担的最主要任务。 According to the provisions of the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Judicial Organization Outline Law, the procuratorate, as the judicial organ that independently exercises its procuratorial functions in accordance with the law in the Macao Special Administrative Region, plays an important role in prosecuting crimes, protecting lawful rights and interests, realizing justice and upholding the rule of law. In 2011, the procuratorate upheld the principle of objectivity, impartiality and impartiality and earnestly performed various functions. I. Leading criminal investigation and prosecuting criminal offenses The Procuratorate consists of offices of the Court of Final Appeal of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, offices of the Intermediate Courts, offices in the courts of the lower courts, offices in the administrative courts, and independent criminal prosecution offices . It is the most important task that the Macao Procuratorate undertakes to file a case, investigate, prosecute and support prosecution of criminal cases.
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