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<正>A convex variational formulation is proposed to solve multicomponent signal processing problems in Hilbert spaces.The cost function consists of a separable
<正>In this paper,we present an efficient approach for unsupervised segmentation of natural and textural images based on the extraction of image features and a
<正> 成都“大白苦瓜”是本市优良地方品种,栽培历史悠久,市郊各乡除净种外,也与其它蔬菜品种进行套作。该品种生长势中等,分枝性较强,蔓长可达3米;叶片掌状深裂,边沿有锯齿,
<正>The paper is concerned with strongly nonlinear singularly perturbed bound- ary value problems in one dimension.The problems are solved numerically by finite
<正>Solution-driven mesh adaptation is becoming quite popular for spatial error control in the numerical simulation of complex computational physics application
<正>The discontinuous Galerkin (DG) or local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) method is a spatial discretization procedure for convection-diffusion equations,which
<正> 1.菊花茭白: 主料:净茭白1斤,青菜叶2张、香菇2只。调味料:精盐1钱、酱油5钱、白糖1钱、麻油0.5钱、花生油1斤(实耗1.5两)。制作:茭白切成梭子块,放温油里过后沥油。放
Two dynamical system methods are studied for solving linear ill-posed problems with both operator and right-hand nonexact. The methods solve a Cauchy problem fo