目的分析民权县人民医院2007年至2009年麻醉药品临床使用状况、问题及趋势。方法利用医院信息系统(H IS)及麻醉药品处方对我院2007年至2009年使用麻醉药品的种类、数量、金额等进行统计,并以限定日剂量(DDD)和药物利用指数(DUI)为指标的分析方法分析。结果麻醉药品消耗量及用药金额逐年增加,其中哌替啶注射液DUI>1,存在不合理或滥用。结论我院麻醉药品使用基本合理,但仍存在不合理或滥用现象,应加强“三阶梯治疗方案”宣传,减少杜冷丁在癌痛治疗中的应用,推荐癌痛治疗首选吗啡控释片止痛。
Objective To analyze the clinical usage, problems and trends of narcotic drugs in Civil Rights County People’s Hospital from 2007 to 2009. Methods The types, quantities and amounts of narcotic drugs used in our hospital from 2007 to 2009 were statistically analyzed using hospital information system (HIS) and narcotic prescriptions. The daily mean dose (DDD) and drug use index (DUI) were calculated as Analysis of Indicators. Results The consumption of narcotic drugs and the amount of medication increased year by year, in which pethidine injection DUI> 1, there is unreasonable or abuse. Conclusion The use of narcotic drugs in our hospital is basically reasonable, but there are still unreasonable or abusive phenomena. The promotion of “three-step treatment plan” should be strengthened to reduce the application of dolantin in the treatment of cancer pain. The first choice of morphine controlled release tablets Pain.