开发冷水资源 发展养鳟事业

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水资源、热水资源早已是家喻户晓的资源概念,但“冷水”资源还很少有人论及。有关冷水资源的内涵,一是“冷”,二是“水”,二者缺一不可,综合起来就是低温水资源。这种水资源因水温低不宜灌田,也不适于养殖草、鲢、鲤、鲟等喜高温的鱼类。之所以称其为资源,就是可以利用 Water resources and hot water resources have long been a well-known resource concept, but “cold water” resources are seldom discussed. The connotation of cold water resources, first, “cold”, the second is “water”, both indispensable, combined is low-temperature water resources. This water because of low water temperature should not be irrigated, nor suitable for farming grass, silver carp, carp, sturgeons and other hi-temperature fish. The reason why they are resources is that they can be used