美国佐治亚大学研究人员日前介绍说,电解盐水能够有效杀死食物和厨房用品表面的细菌。 研究人员说,当电流通过非常稀的盐溶液时,溶液中会产生氯和氧化还原电位。它们能够有效地杀死新鲜农产品、切菜板、餐具等表面的细菌。将切菜板浸在温度为35至40摄氏度的电解盐水中5分钟,可使切菜板上的细菌减少到原来的百万分之一。专家称,此方法比加热和氯水消毒效果更好,因为使用电解盐水杀菌不会像加
Researchers at the University of Georgia in the United States said a few days ago that electrolyzed brine can effectively kill bacteria on the surface of food and kitchen supplies. The researchers said that when the current through a very dilute salt solution, the solution will produce chlorine and redox potential. They effectively kill bacteria on surfaces such as fresh produce, cutting boards, cutlery and more. Immersing the cutting board in an electrolytic brine at a temperature of 35 to 40 ° C for 5 minutes reduces the bacteria on the cutting board by a factor of 1. Experts say that this method is better than heating and chlorine water disinfection, because the use of electrolytic salt sterilization will not be like