The position of integers in algebra is just like the position of integers in arithmetic. Integral calculations, if they can learn well, lay a good foundation for the study of the calculation of fractions and decimals; the whole formulae are well studied, and it will also be of great help to fractional and root-based operations. Among them, multiplication and multiplication formulas are particularly important due to their large use in algebra. However, due to the content, students learn more difficult than the addition and subtraction. To learn the content of this section, students must: (1) define the basic concepts, such as: the power of the square power a~m~a~n=a~(m+n), (a~m)~n=a ~ (mn), (ab) ~ n = a ~ nb ~ n, multiplicative distribution law, etc. (2) Skilled monomial multiplication, monomial square, cube of monomials and correctly