1996年12月12日,美国《纽约时报》披露了日军南京大屠杀见证人,当年南京国际安全区委员会主席拉贝的日记,该日记揭露了日军在南京进行长达两个多月的疯狂大屠杀、30万手无寸铁的中国军民惨遭劫难的历史事实,有力驳斥了日本右翼分子否认南京大屠杀的论调。由此,约翰·拉贝的名字不径而走,成为世人关注的焦点。 据报道,拉贝日记的发现是旅美华人作家张纯如女士艰辛努力的结果。几年前,女作家在研究南京大屠杀事件撰写书稿时,偶然看到一些有关拉贝人道主义行为的资料,被他的行为所感动,她奔走德国,历尽艰辛,最终在柏林找到了拉贝的外孙女乌尔苏拉·赖因哈特女士,得知拉贝先生留下了一本日记。今年初,美国纽约纪念南京大屠杀受难同胞联合会在美举行新闻发布会,赖因哈特女士应邀出席,并宣布将拉贝日记的复制件分别
On December 12, 1996, the New York Times disclosed the diary of Rabe, the witness of the Nanjing massacre in Nanjing and then Chairman of the Nanjing International Security Zone Committee. The diary revealed that the Japanese army was in Nanjing for a frenzied period of more than two months The massacre and the fact that 300,000 defenseless Chinese soldiers and civilians were suffering a catastrophe have strongly disproved the argument that the Japanese right-wingers have denied the Nanjing massacre. As a result, John Rabe’s name has gone a long way towards becoming the focus of world attention. It is reported that Rabe’s diary was discovered as a result of arduous efforts by Ms. Zhang Chunru, a Chinese-American writer in the United States. A few years ago, when she wrote the manuscript of the Nanjing Massacre, the woman writer occasionally saw some information about Rabe’s humanitarian behavior, touched by his actions. She ran Germany, went through hardships and eventually found Rabe in Berlin Ms. Ursula Reinhart, her granddaughter, learned that Mr. Rabe had left a diary. Earlier this year, the United States in New York to commemorate the Nanjing Massacre Symposium held a press conference in the United States, Ms. Reinhart was invited to attend and announced the Rabe diary copies