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刘秀初娶新野阴氏为妻,为了稳定河北局势,却立真定郭氏为后。统一战争结束后,他又废郭氏而改立阴氏为后,造成阴、郭两家的对立。明帝即位前后,河北、山东豪族势力一再利用郭氏及其诸子策划推翻明帝的阴谋。刘秀和明帝对他们进行了严厉打击。章帝为弥缝阴、郭两家的矛盾,纳郭氏集团成员窦氏之女为后。和帝以降,窦、邓、阎、梁等外戚家族先后专权,形成百年外戚政治格局,而阴、郭两家的影响和纠葛仍然贯穿其中。外戚政治是东汉豪族政治的一种形式,在豪族社会环境中,有一定必然性。它深深影响了东汉历史,也是后世士族政治的前身。 Liu Xiuchu married Shinano’s wife, in order to stabilize the situation in Hebei, but actually set Guo’s post. After the reunification war, he abandoned Guo and changed his mind to create Yin and Guo confrontation. Ming emperor ascended the throne before and after, Hebei, Shandong forces used repeatedly by Guo and his princes plot to overthrow the Ming emperor conspiracy. Liu Xiu and Emperor Ming against them severely crackdown. Zhang Di to suture yin and Guo, the contradiction between the two families, Guo Guo Group members of the sinus girl. And the emperor to reduce, sinus, Deng, Yan, Liang and other foreign family has the privilege, the formation of centuries-old foreign political pattern, while the Yin and Guo influence and disputes still runs through them. The politics of the outsider is a kind of political form of the noble people in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It has certain necessity in the social environment of the noble people. It deeply affected the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but also the predecessor of the later scholarly politics.
在烽火通信11年的成长历程中,烽火通信在持续推进管理变革的过程中,注重企业文化建设,使公司使命、愿景和核心价值观成为推动公司发展的内在动力。 During the 11 years of
RQ-8A“火力侦察兵”无人机是美国诺思罗普·格鲁门公司为美国海军研制的下一代舰载垂直起降战术无人机,用于执行侦察和瞄准任务,军方编号RQ- 8A。美海军希望这种无人机平台
Objective To investigate the frequency of GAG deletion in the DYT1 gene among early onset primary dystonia patients in China.Methods Thirteen patients with earl