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无论是小学、初中,还是高中,任何一所学校,任何一个教师群体中,教师的个体水平都存在着客观的差异。在学校管理过程中,管理者们不仅要充分了解教师的特点,尊重教师差异,而且要针对教师个体的专长,进行合理的定位,让每一位教师都能在自己的岗位上发挥自己的特长,人尽其才。本文主要从学校管理的角度,谈一谈促进教师专业成长的办法。一、关注教师职业境界教师职业境界的提升对于学校的管理工作有着积极的促进 There is an objective difference in the individual level of teachers in any one school or any group of teachers regardless of whether they are primary schools, junior middle schools or high schools. In the school management process, managers not only have to fully understand the characteristics of teachers, respect for teacher differences, but also for the individual characteristics of teachers, a reasonable orientation, so that every teacher can play in their own position expertise , Do their best. This article mainly from the school management point of view, talk about ways to promote professional development of teachers. First, pay attention to the professional status of teachers Professional status of teachers to enhance the management of the school has a positive promotion
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