3月26日,《家具与环境》杂志第三届编委会在京召开,来自高校、科研、生产、管理等部门的京区编委出席了会议。会议回顾了近年来刊物的有关情况之后,围绕着在改革大潮中,如何顺应市场经济变化形势、办好本刊的主题进行了热烈讨论。 编委们一致认为,本刊自1987年创办以来,坚持面向社会、面向读者的办刊宗旨,在普及家具及室内环境的科学知识方面,起到了重要的作用;但在改革开放形势下,仍存在一定的不足。为此,今后应进一步拓宽报道范围,增加信息量,同时还要加强与作者、读者及各地生产厂商的联系,沟通情况,以争取社会各界的广泛支持。 在具体报道内容方面,编委们
March 26, “Furniture and Environment” magazine editorial board held in Beijing, from universities, research, production, management and other departments of Beijing attended the meeting. After reviewing the relevant issues in recent years, the conference revolved around heated discussions on how to adapt to the changing situation of the market economy and run the magazine’s theme during the tide of reform. Editorial Board members agreed that since its establishment in 1987, the magazine has adhered to the principle of running for the society and facing the readers and has played an important role in popularizing the scientific knowledge of furniture and indoor environment. However, under the situation of reform and opening up, There is a certain lack of. To this end, in the future, we should further broaden the scope of coverage and increase the amount of information. At the same time, we should also strengthen the liaison and communication with authors, readers and local manufacturers so as to win the broad support of all sectors of society. In terms of specific coverage, editorial board members