Correlation of Quantitative Structure and Inhibition Phytotoxicity for Aromatic Compounds Using Ab I

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29 aromatic compounds were computed at the HF/6-31G* level. Based on linear solvation energy theory firstly, the parameters of molecular structure were taken as theoretical descriptors, and the corresponding linear solvation energy relationship (LSER) (r2 = 0.8993, q2 = 0.8559) between the structural parameters and inhibition phytotoxicity to the seed germination rate of cucumis (-lgGC50) was thus obtained. Then the parameters of molecular structure and thermodynamics were taken as theoretical descriptors, and as a result the other corresponding correlation equation (r2 = 0.9268, q2 = 0.8960) relating to -lgGC50 was achieved. The two equations obtained in this work by HF/6-31G* are both more advantageous than that from AM1. Based on linear solvation energy theory first, the parameters of the molecular structure were taken as theoretical descriptors, and the corresponding linear solvation energy relationship (LSER) (r2 = 0.8993, q2 = 0.8559) between the structural parameters and inhibition phytotoxicity to the seed germination rate of cucumis (-lgGC50) was obtained. Then the parameters of molecular structure and thermodynamics were taken as theoretical descriptors, and as a result the other corresponding correlation equation (r2 = 0.9268, q2 = 0.8960) relating to -lgGC50 was achieved. The two equations obtained in this work by HF / 6-31G * are both more advantageous than that from AM1.
1911年  6月1日(清宣统三年,农历五月初五)生于黑龙江呼兰县城内的一个地主家庭。姓张,取名乃莹;乳名荣华,学名张秀环。后由外祖父改名为张廼莹,笔名悄吟、玲玲、田娣、萧红等。
目的总结2.3~4.5 kg婴儿先天性心脏病(先心病)外科治疗结果,探讨低体重婴儿围手术期的处理.方法 1998年1月至2001年12月的4年中,共收治体重2.3~4.5 kg的先心病婴儿115例,其中男76例,女39例;早产儿5例、双胞胎病儿1例.年龄2~364 d,其中新生儿34例,1~6月龄68例,6月龄以上13例;体重2.3~2.9 kg者16例,3.0~3.5 kg者21例,3.6~4.
经过三个月的传递,在希腊雅典卫城点燃的特奥圣火跨越五大洲后,又从长城出发,经过北京等11个城市和香港、澳门特别行政区,汇合到上 After three months of transmission, th
鼻部手术所致目盲系指在手术过程中造成的视力减退或目盲,国内文献报道极少。我科于1989~1994年间共遇3例,现报道如下。 1 病例介绍 例1 男,26岁。因鼻中隔偏曲准备在局麻下
溶血尿毒综合征 (HUS)为一组以微血管性溶血性贫血、急性肾功能不全、血小板减少为特征的综合征。 195 5年由Gasser等首先报道。HUS在人群中总的发病率大约为 2 1/ 10万人 ,其中 5岁儿童
1993年12月~1995年2月,我们对46例反复性鼻出血患者采用Nd:YAG激光治疗,取得良好效果,现报告如下。 1 临床资料 46例中,男,27例,女19例。年龄12~76岁,平均48岁。病程1个月~4年,