从小学算起,我已经听了无数堂课了。在这些课中,有许多堂课我是感到满意的。要说我最满意的是一堂生动活泼的语文课。那是一天早上,上课铃一响,陈老师便精神抖擞地走上讲台说:“同学们,现在一切都在改革,我们语文教学也要跟上形势。今天我们学习臧克家的一首优秀抒情诗——《春鸟》。由你们来讲,分四个小组,每组同学都可以提出问题,由另外三组同学回答,提出一个问题得2分,答得好的得10分,看哪个小组得桂冠。昨天已布置了预习,好,现在开始。”陈老师话音刚落,我就按捺不住地举手提问: “歌声怎么是越听越灿烂呢?”“好,一组得2分”。陈老师边说边在黑板上写着。“我来回答”,第二组一位男同学便抢先站起来说:“作者运用了通感的修辞手法,万鸟齐鸣的声音越来越高,它与煞黑天上的星星越来越明亮,在事物发展上都有从小到大、从弱到强的变化过程,使人陶醉,感觉相通,所以听到歌声,就好象看到星星越来越灿烂一样。”啊,得了8分。接
Since elementary school, I have listened to numerous classes. In these classes, I was satisfied with many classes. To say that I am most satisfied with is a lively language lesson. It was one morning when the bell rings, Professor Chen walked onto the podium and said, “The students, now everything is reforming. We must keep up with the situation in our language teaching. Today we are learning a good lyric poem - “Spring Bird” For you, divided into four groups, each group of students can ask questions, the other three groups of students to answer, put forward a question for 2 points, 10 points for a good answer, to see which group I have a grand prize. Yesterday I have laid out a preview, so I’ll start now.” When Teacher Chen’s voice just fell, I couldn’t help raising my hand and asked questions: “How is the singing more brilliant?” “Yes, a group gets 2 points.” . Chen said while writing on the blackboard. “I’ll answer,” the second group of a male student will stand up and say, "The author has used synaesthetic rhetoric, and the sound of the sound of birds is getting louder and louder. It is getting more and more stars in the dark sky. Brightness has a process of changing from small to large and weak to strong in the development of things. It makes people feel intoxicated and feel connected. So when you hear the song, you see the stars are getting brighter and brighter.” Ah, got 8 points. . Pick up