
来源 :国外医学(计划生育分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:poloyzhang
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卵巢早衰(POF)为40岁以前发生高促性腺性闭经的疾患。病因不明、诱导排卵困难,但是该病患者中也有在卵巢中存有卵泡、排卵乃至妊娠的可能。 POF之病因:①性染色体异常:47,XXX超雌POF发生率高,45,X胎儿期卵巢有正常数目的卵,但之后其数量急剧减少,新生儿卵巢即呈索状。45,X/46,EX或46,Xi(Xq)有初潮及妊娠的报告但过早闭经。即使性染色 Premature ovarian failure (POF) is a condition in which high gonadal amenorrhea precedes the age of 40 years. Etiology is unknown, induction of ovulation difficulties, but there are also patients in the ovary there are follicles, ovulation and pregnancy may be. POF etiology: ① sex chromosome abnormalities: 47, XXX high incidence of superficial POF, 45, X fetal ovarian normal number of eggs, but then its number decreased dramatically, the newborn ovary that was cord-like. 45, X / 46, EX or 46, Xi (Xq) reports of menarche and pregnancy but premature menopause. Even sex dyeing