Grass damage is not only the enemy of forest growth, but also directly affects the survival and preservation of seedlings afforestation. In the past, weeds relying mainly on artificial and mechanical measures to eradicate young woodlands continued to deepen and develop with the four modernizations. As a result, the state-owned and collective afforestation areas became larger and larger, and the task of weeding young trees was also aggravated. Artificial weeding not only labor-intensive, but also need to take up a lot of labor. Mechanical weeding also has some limitations, weeds can not be completely removed between rows of weeds were cleared, the plant asked the weeds grow more prosperous, the sapling is still a great influence. In order to improve the technology of young grass weed control and meet the needs of forestry modernization, in 1980, with the strong support of Dagang Forest Farm and Momo Green Forest Farm in Zhenlai County, we made some experimental researches on the application of chemical weeding in young forests and achieved some preliminary results. Briefing is as follows: