
来源 :针刺研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sicong907171
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Skim moxibustion and herb applied on the navel had the effect of warming the meridians, helpingthe vital Qi, eliminating pathogens, dispersing the cold and relieving pain. The result showed that thismethod had the curative effect to treat the children’s abdominal pain, diarrhea. This method was simple and easy Skim moxibustion and herb applied on the navel had the effect of warming the meridians, helping the vital Qi, patho patho pathogens, dispersing the cold and relieving pain. The result was had thismethod had the curative effect to treat the children’s abdominal pain, diarrhea. This method was simple and easy
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研究了 8 羟基喹啉 (HR)与Au(Ⅲ )形成的配合物AuR+ 2 ,对K2 S2 O8氧化鲁米诺的增强作用 ,基于此建立了金的化学发光分析新方法 .以 8 羟基喹啉为配位体时 ,Au(Ⅲ )的检出限
A new monoterpene glycoside,2,6-dimethyl-2E,6E-octadienoic acid 1,6’-lactone 8-β-D glucopyranoside, was isolated from Swertia punicea, accompanying with six k
简要分析了掺铥铝酸钇(Tm∶YAP)晶体的能级结构及吸收光谱特性,报道了一种室温条件下的激光二极管(LD)双端面抽运Tm∶YAP激光器。激光器输出的中心波长为1996 nm,2μm连续激