灵猴翩翩辞旧岁,金鸡悠悠报晓来。2月1日的北京山水宾馆, 张灯结彩、喜气洋洋、欢声笑语、火热气氛中迎来了一年一度的 中国通信企业协会迎春联谊会。 信息产业部党组书记、部长王旭东,信息产业部党组副书记、 副部长奚国华,部老领导吴基传、朱高峰、林金泉、周德强、常 延廷、刘立清、罗淑珍,中国网通张春江董事长,全国政协委员、 原中国移动张立贵总经理,中国电信副总经理张继平,中国联通 副总裁李正茂,中国卫通总经理张海南、副总经理倪翼丰,中国 铁通副总经理周孝先,中国普天、中国邮电器材、大唐电信等企、 事业单位的领导和部机关相关厅、司、局领导;部分在京外资或 合资企业如UT斯达康、NTT、NTT DOCOMO,爱立信、诺基 亚、西门子、上海贝尔阿尔卡特、上海贝尔三星等单位或代表处 的负责人;在京的中国通信企协会长、副会长、常务理事、会员 单位和新闻单位等一百六十余人出席了会议。
Monkey emperor elegant old, golden chicken long newspaper Xiao to. On February 1, Beijing Shanshui Hotel, celebrated with joy and laughter, welcomes the annual China Association of Enterprises Association Spring Fellowship. Wang Xudong, Party Secretary and Minister of the Ministry of Information Industry, Xi Guohua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Vice Minister of Ministry of Information Industry, Wu Jichuan, Zhu Gaofeng, Lin Jinquan, Zhou Deqiang, Chang Yanting, Liu Liqing, Luo Shuzhen, Chairman of China Netcom Zhang Chunjiang, CPPCC members, former China Mobile Zhang Ligui, general manager of China Telecom Zhang Jiping, vice president of China Unicom Li Zhengmao, general manager of China Satcom Zhang Hainan, deputy general manager Ni Yifeng, vice president of China Railcom Zhou Xiao Xian, China Putian, China Posts and Telecommunications equipment, Datang Telecom and other enterprises and institutions of the leadership and the relevant organs of the relevant agencies Department, Secretary, Bureau leadership; some in Beijing or joint ventures such as UT Starcom, NTT, NTT DOCOMO, Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, Shanghai Bell Alcatel, Shanghai Bell Samsung and other units or representative offices of the person in charge of Beijing China Telecom Association, vice president, executive director, member units and news units more than 160 people attended the meeting.