李庆远(1679~1935),原籍云南省,生于清朝康熙十八年,九十多岁到四川开县定居,于民国24年谢世,传说活了256岁。 1925年,李庆远同乡刘成勋先生与几位同志专程回故里拜访老人,并求问老人养生之道。 李庆远见面前坐的是虚心好学的青年,便高兴地向他们讲述他的养生之道:予年二百五十而动作不衰,人以我为神仙。非也,吾亦普通人也。人人都可以长寿,比如
Li Qingyuan (1679-1935), native of Yunnan Province, was born in the 18th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. He settled in Kaixian County, Sichuan Province in the early 90’s and died in the 24th year of the Republic of China. In 1925, Mr. Liu Chengxun, a fellow villager with Li Qingyuan, made a special trip to visit his hometown with his hometown and asked the elderly for his regimen. Li Qingyuan was sitting in front of the open-minded youth, they are happy to tell them about his regimen: two hundred and fifty for the year and the action is not bad, I am a god. Non-also, I also ordinary people too. Everyone can live longer, for example