社会主义时期党史征研工作的当务之急,就是抓紧抢救“活资料”。党史资料是党史研究的基础,社会主义时期党史研究的领域更加广阔,资料征集的范围也更加广泛。 建国后的文件,保存得比较完整。但“活资料”的抢救却有很强的时间性。建国初期的老同志大多数年事已高,再不抓紧抢救,就错过了时机。 要抓紧省革命历史纪念馆文物史料的征集工
The top priority of the history investigation of socialism during the socialist period is to seize the rescue of “living information.” The data of the party history is the foundation of the study of the history of the party. The field of the study of the history of the party in the socialism period is even broader, and the scope of information collection is also broader. After the founding of the document, save more complete. However, the rescue of “living materials” is very time-consuming. Most of the old comrades in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China were high in age and missed the opportunity without further rescue. We must pay close attention to the revolutionary historical memorial collection of historical materials