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一、广东综合改革试验区经济体制改革的目标模式(1) 经济体制,实质上就是经济活动的组织形态。这种形态,并不等同于社会形态;而且其产生和发展有着自身的规律。商品经济,是一种经济活动的组织形态,它是在社会生产力发展到一定程度之后,所出现的经济活动必然形态,并且随着经济活动水平的提高。遵循着从小商品经济到大商品经济,或者是从简单商品经济到发达商品经济的规律向前发展和演变。中国要以商品经济的形式去组织经济活动,这已成为定论。广东的经济活动水平比较高,商品经济也有了较好的基础。加之对外开放较早,出口贸易利用外资均列全国前茅,全国最早兴办的四个经济特区有三个在广东,广东经济与国际经济的联系较为密切。因此,广东作为综合改革试验区,在进行经济体制的超前改革中,将其改革的目标定为建设发达的大商品经济,不但是可能的,而且是必须的。要建设发达的大商品经济,首要问题是建立这种经济所赖以运转的架构,以及形成推动这种经济 I. Objectives of the Reform of Economic System in the Experimental Zone of Guangdong’s Comprehensive Reform (1) The economic structure is essentially the organizational form of economic activity. This form is not equivalent to the social form; and its production and development has its own laws. The commodity economy is an organizational form of economic activity. It is the inevitable form of economic activity that emerges after the development of social productive forces to a certain extent, and as the level of economic activity rises. Follow the law from the commodity economy to the commodity economy, or from the simple commodity economy to developed commodity economy forward development and evolution. China has to organize economic activities in the form of a commodity economy, which has become the conclusion. Guangdong has a relatively high level of economic activity and a good foundation for the commodity economy. In addition, the opening up to the outside world was earlier and the utilization of foreign investment in export trade ranked among the highest in the country. There were three of the four special economic zones set up in the country in Guangdong, and the Guangdong economy was more closely linked with the international economy. Therefore, as an experimental zone for comprehensive reform, it is not only possible but also necessary for Guangdong to set its goal of reform as the development of a developed commodity economy in the advanced reform of the economic system. In order to build a developed commodity economy, the most important issue is to establish the structure by which this economy depends and to promote the formation of such an economy
温州经济曾引起人们广泛的注目和经济理论工作者的探讨。我们在考察温州经济后,提出一些初浅的看法。 Wenzhou economy has aroused widespread attention and discussion
<正> 苏联与东欧国家的经济史给人们的印象是,改革往往失败,或至少与预想的目标相距甚远,原因在于: 第一,也是最重要的原因,设计不良的改革方案使改革建立在冲突之中,最终导