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  · 居住性按揭担保证券(RMBS),仅由零售按揭贷款组成(面向投资不多于三个住宅的私人客户而发放的按揭贷款);
  · 盈利性的居住性按揭担保证券(面向投资4个以上住宅或公寓的盈利性投资者而发放的贷款);
  · 盈利性按揭担保证券(CMBS),包括盈利性不动产。
  1 限于篇幅,此处略去这六类风险所包含的具体风险种类。
  European Mortgage Securitisation:A Valuer’s Guide (Continued)
  II. European MBS-Market
  Tracking issuances, the volume of the residential MBS market segment in the European Union may be estimated at 150 bn Euro, which represents approximately 3.5% of the total residential mortgage loan outstanding in the EU (end of 2001). In some European countries, outstanding RMBS are much more significant than the European average. RMBS volume ranges from 3.6% (UK), 7 and 8% (Spain and the Netherlands respectively) up to even 10% (Ireland) of the respective domestic residential mortgage loan outstanding. With regard to assets, MBS represent the most important asset class in Europe, holding an average 1/3 of the total ABS market. In the second quarter of 2002, MBS issues represented as much as 56% of European securitised assets. Of the 31 bn Euro total ABS issuance during this period, residential MBS totalled over 15 bn Euro, a share of 48%, whereas commercial property issuances hold an 8%market share. In the residential MBS segment, the European market is largely dominated by the UK, followed by the Netherlands, Italy and Spain.
  III. Valuation
  The performance of European MBS is primarily driven by the quality of the underlying properties and the respective property markets. The quality of the valuation has a strong impact in this context. Qualified valuers have to value the property assets which are generally financed at a loan-to-value ratio of 60-80% of the value of the property. There has been very low transparency about MBS related property valuations. As any investor decision is based on the property抯 ability to produce revenue over the long term up to the MBS抯 maturity, qualified property valuation is of fundamental importance.
  1. Property risk and portfolio segmentation
  Valuers dealing with property valuation for securitisation purposes need to focus on market and property-related risk criteria of the mortgage assets. The aim is to provide originators, rating agencies and MBS-investors with transparency regarding both market and sustainable net asset values for individual properties and/or portfolios and market and property risk details, thus facilitating the structuring of mortgage loan portfolios, portfolio ratings and investor decisions. The following 6 risk buckets are suitable to accurately reflect the long term quality grade of a property and to calculate its net asset value for securitisation purposes:
  ?market risks
  ?location risks
  ?property related risks
  ?partnership risks
  ?fiscal and legal risks
  ?financial risks
  Furthermore, it is necessary to distinguish between three types of mortgage loan portfolios:
  ?Residential mortgage backed securities (RMBS) based exclusively on retail mortgage loans (mortgage loans to private customers investing in not more than 3 residential properties)
  ?Residential mortgage backed securities conceived as a commercial business (loans to commercial investors holding 4 or more residential properties, condominiums)
  ?Commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS) based on commercial properties
  2. Definition of Terminology
  2.1. Market Value (see EVS 4 / IVS 1)
  2.2. Sustainable Net Asset Value
  The sustainable value that an asset may be expected to achieve or maintain over the long term. In the securitisation business; this concept is employed by originators, rating agencies, portfolio insurers and investors. Sustainable net asset value is estimated either by reference to mortgage lending value or by making variable adjustments to market value, depending on the phase in the ongoing market cycle and potentially destabilising factors such as market volatility and speculative activity. The estimate should reflect the cyclical forecast and expectations of volatility and speculation, characteristic of the specific property market. In concept, sustainable net asset value is similar to mortgage lending value. Also called Long-term Sustainable Value or Sustainable Asset Value.
  2.3. Mortgage Lending Value
  Mortgage Lending Value shall mean the value of the property as determined by a valuer making a prudent assessment of the future marketability of the property by taking into account long-term sustainable aspects of the property, the normal and local market conditions, the current use and alternative appropriate uses of the property. Speculative elements may not be taken into account in the assessment of the Mortgage Lending Value. The Mortgage Lending Value shall be documented in a transparent and clear manner.
  3. Valuation Process
  In order to provide the necessary transparency, a two-step process divided into the traditional valuation of the property and an assessment of the specific property risk profile is being recommended to valuers.
  According to the national practice, qualified valuers using transparent valuation methods that are recognised by national valuers?associations have first to proceed to a traditional valuation, i.e. to determine market value and sustainable net asset value for each property in a portfolio to be securitised at the moment when the individual property is financed. If the assessment of the sustainable net asset value was not carried out at the time when the individual property was financed, this must be done at the moment when the mortgage loans are being sold to the special purpose vehicle. In addition to the property valuation, a structured risk assessment(market and property risks, see above) has then to be produced for each property of the commercial and investor related residential mortgage loan portfolios at the moment when the individual property is financed. Regarding the retail residential loan portfolio, a cluster analysis should be used to divide the entire portfolio into homogeneous clusters which should be valued by means of a simplified method taking into account value determining parameters. If this assessment was not carried out at the time when the individual property was financed, this must be done for each property at the moment when the mortgage loans are being sold to the special purpose vehicle.
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