《中国花卉盆景》2006年第10期介绍了普通的西番莲(Passiflora coverulea),其枝叶翠绿繁茂,花朵形状奇特,果实漂亮可爱,是一种很好的观赏植物。而我栽植过的另一种西番莲——大果西番莲(Passiflora quadrangularis),也是美艳异常。那是用偶然带回的一个小苗扦插成活的,开始在河北种植,一直没太在意管理,后见其开花奇艳,才重视起来。经过扦插繁殖,现温室走廊一侧地上已全部种上,并已全部开花,但表现出缺铁症状。带来北京的一棵栽于盆中,在林科院现代化温室养植,遗憾的是一直未开花。与其同一批的扦插苗在河北已经开花,通过比较两个栽培地点,我认为出现生长差异的原因有三:1、林科院温室冬季温度太高,昼夜温差小,西番莲表现出徒长之势;2、温室内空气湿度要比河北温室小得多;3、由于靠盆内支架盘绕生长,通风采光受到影响,而且遭受过白粉虱危害。我现在已将多余枝条剪除用于扦插,
“Chinese Flower Bonsai” 2006 the tenth introduced the ordinary passiflora (Passiflora coverulea), its branches and lush green flowers unique peculiar shape, beautiful and lovely fruit, is a good ornamental plants. The Passiflora quadrangularis, another planted by me, is also glamorous. That is by accidentally brought back a seedling cuttings alive, began planting in Hebei, has not been too concerned about the management, after seeing its flowering Qi Yan, only pay attention to it. After cutting propagation, the greenhouse corridor is now all the ground on the ground and has all flowering, but showed iron deficiency symptoms. Bring Beijing planted in a pot, in the Academy of Forestry modern greenhouse cultivation, unfortunately, has not yet flowered. The same batch of cutting seedlings have flowering in Hebei, by comparing the two cultivation sites, I think there are three reasons for differences in growth: 1, Academy of Forestry greenhouse temperature is too high in winter, small temperature difference between day and night, Passiflora showed a lengthened trend ; 2, the humidity inside the greenhouse is much smaller than the greenhouse in Hebei Province; 3, due to the growth of the stent around the basin, ventilation and lighting affected, but also suffered from whitefly hazards. I have now cut off the extra branches for cuttings,