近年来新媒体的爆炸性发展催生了海量广告信息,而这些广告信息的“狂轰滥炸”使得受众对于广告信息的自动屏蔽能力日益增强。如何以好的创意让广告作品在纷繁芜杂的信息海洋中脱颖而出,赢得消费者关注,并成功推动消费者的行为转化,成为众多广告主面临的难题。芬兰消费者安全协会(Consumer Safety Institute)同样面临这样的问题。每年在芬兰,有大约7000例由于家用日化用品引发的意外事故发生。而其中,大部分的受害者是小于5岁的儿
In recent years, the explosive development of new media has spawned a huge amount of advertising information, and the advertising information of “indiscriminate bombing” makes the audience increasingly automatic screening of advertising information. How to get creative works to stand out in the sea of numerous and varied information with good ideas, win the consumers’ attention and successfully promote the behavior transformation of consumers has become a challenge for many advertisers. The Consumer Safety Institute also faces such problems. Every year in Finland, there are about 7,000 cases of accidents caused by household chemicals. Most of these victims are children under 5 years old