
来源 :中国高校科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jsxhshh123456
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Investigation of hydroelastic ship responses has been brought to the attention of the scientific and engineering world for several decades. There are two kinds
The present study analyzes the reflection and transmission phenomenon of water-waves in a two-layer ice-covered system. The upper layer is covered by an ice-she
系统性红斑狼疮(systermc lupus erythematosus,SLE)是一种自身免疫性疾病,可累及全身各组织脏器。
1.由能被3整除且比完全平方数小1的整数组成的递增序列3,15,24,48,…,这个序列的第1994项除以1000的余数是多少? 2.如图,PQ=10,以PQ为直径的圆与一个以20为半径的圆相切于点P
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因为他们的广泛的应用,无人的表面车辆(USV ) 成为了研究的一个焦点。保证安全和可靠性并且独立地执行复杂任务, USV 被要求拥有环境和有效碰撞回避能力的精确感觉。完成这些,进