排卵障碍约占女性不孕原因的25%~35%,患者常需要促排卵才能妊娠。促排卵治疗是辅助生殖技术常用的治疗方法,理想的促排卵方案必须是安全、有效、经济的。本文分析比较了几种临床常用促排卵药物的排卵率、种植率、流产风险与长期影响,以及不同药物的使用范围。通过合理的促排剂量和个体化方案,达到正常的卵巢反应和理想的治疗结局,减少卵巢过度刺激综合征(ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome,OHSS)、多胎妊娠等并发症。对于不同患者,应根据其病情采用个体化治疗,选择最合适的促排卵方案,达到最好的妊娠结局。
Ovulation disorders account for about 25% to 35% of the causes of female infertility, patients often require ovulation induction in order to pregnancy. Ovulation treatment is the commonly used treatment of assisted reproductive technology, the ideal ovulation program must be safe, effective and economical. This article analyzes and compares the ovulation rate, implantation rate, risks and long-term effects of miscarriage, and the scope of the use of different drugs. Through a reasonable dose and individual promotion program to achieve normal ovarian response and the ideal outcome of treatment to reduce ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, OHSS), multiple pregnancies and other complications. For different patients, should be based on their condition using individualized treatment, select the most appropriate ovulation induction program to achieve the best pregnancy outcome.