1 领导重视,部门配合,卫生唱戏,群众参与 探索全科医疗试点工作的模式的想法一经提出,就受到上级主管部门的肯定,在各级领导的关怀和大力支持下,我们首先派人参观考察了天津、北京等地的全科医疗示范点。然后将考察情况向上级领导进行了汇报,同时得到上级领导的批准,同意由我院进行试点工作,取得经验后再全面推行。在开展此项工作之前,我们主动与矿区领导、居委会、离退休管理等部门结合,并争得他们的支持和配合。编印了《社区卫生服务是您健康的保障》等宣传材料,在
1 The leaders’ attention, departmental cooperation, and hype to the public, and the idea of the masses participating in the exploration of the model for general medical trials have been recognized by the superior authorities. With the care and support of leaders at all levels, we first sent people to visit and inspect. General medical demonstration sites in Tianjin and Beijing. Then the situation of the investigation was reported to the superior leadership. At the same time, it was approved by the superior leadership and agreed to carry out the pilot work in our institute. After gaining experience, it was fully implemented. Before carrying out this work, we took the initiative to integrate with the leadership of the mining area, neighborhood committees, retirement management and other departments, and gain their support and cooperation. Printed promotional materials such as “Community health services are your health protection”,