见到刘国江是在北京西郊红山口的八一体工大队足球场。绿草如茵的场内,八一队的教练、队员忙忙碌碌各司其职,惟有刘大帅一人端坐于场边二层主席台上,颇有些指点江山的模样。记者上前讲明了来意,刘指导热情地招呼记者坐下。话题自然从场上的训练谈起。 “那是从韩国军队队尚武队请来的顾问,叫李康助。”刘指导指着穿白色T恤的矮个子介绍道,“他是我来八一队之前根据交流协议到这儿任职的,人不错,训练认真,有内容。”又是韩国教练!记者借机询问他对韩国教练纷至沓来的看法,刘指导尽量显得客观:“方法与国内教
Liu Guojiang met in the western suburbs of Beijing Red Bayou eight one team soccer field. Grassy field, the Bayi team coaches, players are busy working their own part, only Liu Dasai one sitting on the side stage podium platform, quite some pointing Jiangshan look. Reporter came to clarify the meaning, Liu guide enthusiastically greet the reporter to sit down. Talk naturally from the field training talk. “It was a consultant recruited by the South Korean military ambulance team, called Lee Kang-seok.” Liu instructed the short person wearing a white T-shirt and said, “He was here before I came to the August 1 exchange agreement to serve here. People are good, training is serious, there is content. ”Also South Korea coach! Reporter took the opportunity to ask him to South Korea coach after another view, Liu guide as objective as possible:" method and domestic teaching