飞机起飞时,必须逆风滑跑才能获得最佳的升力。 2003年民航机场属地化管理改革后,“中国民用航空贵州省管理局”的牌子被另一块“贵州省机场集团有限公司”的牌子替代。新组建的贵州省机场集团公司面对的是一次前所未有的挑战,他们需要迎难而上,才能逆风前行。 他们用事实证明了自己。 近一年的时间,机场集团公司运输生产、经济效益明显改观。1到11月,贵阳机场已完成旅客吞吐量253万人次,同比增长40%,货邮吞吐量3.8万吨,同比增长29%,航班起降
When the plane takes off, it must go upwind to get the best lift. After the reform of the administration of the civil aviation airport in 2003, the brand of “China Civil Aviation Administration of Guizhou Province” was replaced by another “Guizhou Airport Group Co., Ltd.” brand. The newly formed Guizhou Airport Group Corporation is facing an unprecedented challenge, they need difficulties, in order to go against the wind. They proved themselves by facts. Nearly a year’s time, the airport group company transport production, economic efficiency improved significantly. From January to November, Guiyang Airport has completed 2.53 million passenger throughput, an increase of 40%, cargo and mail throughput of 38,000 tons, an increase of 29%, taking off and landing flights