Ultrasound images of ovarian cysts prenatal diagnosis routinely valuable, can remind attention to certain abnormalities. Otherwise, these abnormalities will not be missed until severe comorbidities occur. Abdominal mass is more common in newborns, its nature from absolute benign to extreme malignant. Due to the development of real-time ultrasound, it is possible to diagnose these masses prenatally. The authors report a 28-year-old woman, 3 pregnant and 1, the last 22 weeks of pregnancy due to hydatidiform mole curettage, the pregnancy need to diet with diabetes control. The last menstruation is not clear. Check the full-term size of the uterus, has ruptured the membrane, in early labor. Real-time ultrasound examination estimated gestational age for 34 weeks ± 11 days and saw a cyst at the fetal kidney level with a diameter of about 5 cm. As the cyst in the repeat examination of the image no change, unlike the fetus bladder. Labor and childbirth smooth, childbirth -3,280g baby girl, the clinical estimate is 36 weeks in size, no special baby examination, the abdomen can reach a flexible mass and light. Fan-shaped real-time ultrasound confirmed a diameter of 5 ~ 6cm cystic mass, in order to rule out omental cyst barium enema,