重庆市科委于 1 999年 1 1月评出重庆市科技进步奖的获奖项目及人员。我院马成伦教授、赵元君教授等的《四川省鱼类寄生虫病的研究》项目和杨新民教授的《矩阵Bellman猜想及相关问题研究》项目分别评为科技进步二等奖我院两项目获重庆市1999年度科技进步奖
Chongqing Science and Technology Commission in January 1999 awarded the Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award winning projects and personnel. Prof. Ma Chenglun and Prof. Zhao Yuanjun from our institute, “Research on fish parasitic diseases in Sichuan Province” and “Research on matrix Bellman conjecture and related problems” by Professor Yang Xinmin were respectively awarded the second prize of scientific and technological progress 1999 Science and Technology Progress Award