我国住院医师规范化培训工作发展至今,已从制度完善、体系建立走向内涵建设,管理也由粗放型向精细化转变,这就要求培训基地要最大限度地利用信息化来进行日常培训管理。同济大学附属东方医院利用在线考试系统进行住院医师测评数据收集,通过项目复盘、问卷调研、数据分析等方式,对住院医师的学习进行持续干预并取得一定成效。“,”The standardized resident training in China has developed focusing on the continuously improvement of system in recent years, and we have transfered system establishment into connotation building, also the management is shifting from extensive performance to delicate operation. It requires the training base institution to make a maximum use of information technology for daily training management. Shanghai East Hospital has developed an online examination system to collect the resident evaluation data through the project review, questionnaire survey, data analysis and so on. It does function to intervene in the training of resident doctors with significant outcomes.