Rats are one of the four pests, destroy food storage, infectious disease, damage to the strong, must be eliminated; rodent methods are many, poison rat drug is one of the important methods, often used to eradicate the rats in large quantities. There are many types of poisonous rodents, and there is no complete ideal drug so far; however, it has played a large role in the eradication of rats. At present, the ideal toxacin is Antuol. One is thiourea, and the other is thiourea (Alpha-naphthyl-thiourea). It is gray powder and hardly soluble in water. 1. Rat Killing Efficacy: The median lethal dose of Antolide to rats is about 7 mg/kg, which is different due to different rodent species, such as 6.4-7.4 mg/kg for Rattus norvegicus and 240 for black rat. Mg/kg, but for rats it is 1 mg/kg