,The parametric orbits and the form invariance of three-body in one-dimension

来源 :中国物理(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stinbi
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In this paper, the differential equations of motion of a three-body interacting pairwise by inverse cubic forces("centrifugal potential") in addition to linear forces ("harmonical potential") are expressed in Ermakov formalism in two-dimension polar coordinates, and the Ermakov invariant is obtained. By rescaling of the time variable and the space coordinates, the parametric orbits of the three bodies are expressed in terms of relative energy H1 and Ermakov invariant. The form invariance of the transformations of two conserved quantities are also studied.
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<正> 吴玉章同志曾说:“近代中国文化界,在新闻事业、出版事业上,最有成绩、最有创造能力的,要算邹韬奋同志。”的确,在现代中国新闻史上,韬奋创办新闻出版事业的成就是令人瞩目的。他接办《生活》周刊的时候,《生活》周刊还是个“怪可怜似的”、“零仃孤苦的孩子”;他接办以后,短短几年竟“风行海内外”,在全国杂志界首屈一指。1935
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