The problem of overcapacity is a blind spot in the mainstream of Western economics. The contradictions in domestic discussions on the idea of excess capacity reflect four different market concepts, including the perfect market constructed by the neoclassical economics model, the spontaneous market with realistic existence, the regulated market and the international monopoly market. The understanding of the causes of excess domestic production capacity can not ignore the impact of the drastic changes in international commodity prices on the domestic market and the competition in market shares of large companies under the international division of labor. The inevitable existence of economies of scale and technological metabolism in the market economy will lead to overcapacity at the cost of “creative destruction.” Enterprises and governments respond to excess capacity at different life cycles in different industries, and different strategies and countermeasures will have completely different consequences. The social co-ordination capability of China’s socialist mixed economy has more advantages than the West in coping with the global scale competition and excess capacity.