高度近视是我国常见病之一,一般认为其发病与遗传有关。但国内尚未见到从遗传角度进行系统的家系分析。国外偶有报告,但一般仅限于个别家庭,缺乏大组分析。我们从1972~1978年对61个高度近视病员的家庭进行了调查,现将结果报道如下: 调查对象与方法调查对象选自我科门诊病例。进行较完整的家系调查者共61人,家属(其父
High myopia is one of the common diseases in our country, generally believed that the incidence and genetic. However, there has not been any systematic pedigree analysis from the genetic point of view in China. Foreign occasional reports, but generally limited to individual families, the lack of large group analysis. We conducted a survey of 61 highly myopic patients’ families from 1972 to 1978. The results are reported as follows: Subjects and Methods Subjects were selected from outpatient cases in our department. A total of 61 pedigrees conducted by family members (their father