9月3日是全国人大常委会确定的中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日。对于9 4岁的范子昌,这不仅仅是一个纪念日,更是他生活和生命的转折点。1945年9月3日,不到2 5岁的范子昌正在陕西汉中修建战斗机机场,从广播中得知抗战胜利的消息后,他和同事立刻放下了手边的工作,走到大街上游行欢呼。随后他赶去西安,与女朋友结婚。“当时的青年都牵挂着国家,抗战不胜利就不结婚”。他说。范子昌是河北唐山人,出生在安徽蚌埠,抗战刚刚打响,他和母亲就不得不离开在蚌埠当火车司机的父
September 3 is the anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Japan determined by the NPC Standing Committee. This is not just a memorial day for Fan Zichang, a 19-year-old man. It is also a turning point in his life and life. On September 3, 1945, Fan Zichang, less than 25 years old, was building a fighter plane airport in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province. After learning of the victory of the war from the radio, he and his colleagues immediately put aside their work and went on the streets to cheer. Then he rushed to Xi’an to marry his girlfriend. “At that time the young people are concerned about the country, the anti-Japanese war is not married do not get married ”. He said. Fan Zichang was born in Tangshan, Hebei Province, was born in Bengbu, Anhui Province, and the war was just started. He and his mother had to leave their father who was a train driver in Bengbu