我们也有“神医”了!小病养,大病扛,扛不过去见阎王。“这是安徽省贫困山区的农民们常说的一句顺口溜,形象地道出了山区农民的医疗困境和卫生保健方面知识的缺乏。长期以来,广大农村医疗水平一直比较落后,基层医疗条件的落后和农民的贫困使农民们有病不敢治、有病不能治。因而越是贫困的山区,”因贫致病、因病返贫“的恶性循环现象就越突出。卫生条件的滞后严重影响着广大农村的发展。这对于农业人口占全省人口80%的农业大省安徽来说,问题就更加严重了! 2001年3月16日,我们来到了安徽省的省级贫困县长丰县的造甲乡。在乡卫生所门口,摆着两排长桌,五六个头戴”小红帽“的”白大褂“被百十号乡民里三层外三层地围着,乡民中有老有小,沾满了泥水的高筒胶鞋,向大家炫耀着它从十几里外的村里
We also have ”God doctor,“ the! Sick illnesses, illness carry, carry, but see the King of Hades. ”This is a jaunt used by peasants in poor mountainous areas of Anhui Province to vividly illustrate the medical predicament of peasants in mountainous areas and the lack of knowledge on health care.For a long time, the majority of rural medical care has lagged behind and the basic medical conditions have lagged behind And the peasants’ poverty makes the peasants sick and unmanageable, so the more impoverished the mountainous areas, the more prominent the vicious circle phenomenon of “returning to poverty due to poverty and sickness” .Healthiness lags seriously Affecting the development of the vast rural areas.This is a more serious problem for Anhui, an agricultural province where the agricultural population accounts for 80% of the total population. On March 16, 2001, we came to Changfeng County, an impoverished county in Anhui province Kadok Township in the township clinic door, placed two rows of long tables, five or six wearing a “Little Red Riding Hood” “white coats ” was surrounded by three hundred layers of villagers in three layers , Among the villagers there are old and small, covered with mud of the Gaotong shoes, show off to everyone from the village ten miles away