7月7日,拉斯维加斯的曼德雷湾体育馆内群情激昂、灯光璀璨。作为″国际格斗周″的收官之战,TUF 19总决赛给数万名拳迷带来了″最后的疯狂″。备受中国拳迷关注的居马别克在这里迎来了UFC生涯的第二个对手,新加坡籍的巴西柔术高手伊萨。拥有11胜4负战绩的伊萨并不是想象中的″菜鸟″,他在最近的10场比赛中赢下了其中的8场,士气正旺。而居马别克虽然拥有17胜1负的耀眼战绩.但唯一的一负却正是在今年3月的UFC首秀上获得。作为红角选手出场的居马别克镇定自若,底气十足。八角笼首负并没有消磨″天山雪豹″的锐气,反而大大增强了他的信心和能力。二人在
July 7, Las Vegas, Mandelie Bay Stadium passionate, bright lights. TUF 19 finals brought “the last madness” to tens of thousands of boxing fans as the final battle of “International Fight Week.” Juma Buick, much concerned by Chinese boxing fans, welcomes UFC’s second opponent here, and Isa, a Singaporean-born Brazilian Jujitsu master. Issa, who has a 11-4 record, is not an imaginary “rookie”. He has won eight of the last 10 games, and his morale is up. While homemakers have a dazzling record of 17 wins and 1 losses, but the only negative is in the UFC debut this March to get. Juma Buick, who plays as a corner player, is confident and full of confidence. The octagonal cage first negative and did not kill the “Tianshan snow leopard” spirit, but greatly enhance his confidence and ability. Two people