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  1. establish, set up, put up, build
  The company was established in 1860. 这家公司创办于一八六零年。
  They established exchange programs with a number of universities abroad. 他们和国外许多大学确定了交流项目。
  (2)set up表示“建立、建起、设立”时,是指把建筑、制度、机构、组织、企业等建立起来,往往强调起点。
  When was this company set up? 这家公司是什么时候成立的?
  A new government was set up after the war.
  (3)put up,表示“建造、搭起”的意思,put up与set up一样是不可分开使用的。put up指建造、搭起,大多指工程较小的施工,常用于口语。
  Do you know how to put up a tent? 你知道怎么搭帐篷吗?
  They will put up a monument in the middle of the park.
  A new road has been built in my hometown.
  The Crystal Palace was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. 水晶宫是为1851年的世界博览会在海德公园建造的。
  2. bring, take, get, carry
  Please bring me a new pencil. 请给我拿支新铅笔来。
  There is going to be a film in our school tonight. Bring your little sister with you. 今晚学校有电影,把你小妹妹带来。
  Please bring your ID card from your home.
  Who has taken my pen? 谁拿走了我的钢笔?
  Will this road take me to the station? 我走这条路能到车站吗?
  (3)get是指去别处“拿来”,等于go and bring,表示一往一返双程动作。bring和take则表示单程动作。试比较:
  When you come to school this afternoon, bring your notebook with you. 你下午来校时,把笔记本带来。
  When you go home this afternoon, take your schoolbag with you.
  I’m going to get my child from the school. 我要到学校去接孩子。
  The teacher said to a student, “Go to my office and get some chalk for me.” 老师对一个学生说:“到办公室给我拿几枝粉笔。”
  He was carrying a wooden box on his shoulder. 他扛着一个木箱。
  The bus carried the passengers to the station.
  3. run out, run out of
  run out意思是“用完了”,表示状况(=become used up其主语通常指时间,食物,金钱等名词)。例如:
  His money soon ran out. 他的钱很快就花完了。
  run out of意思是“用完了”,表示主动行为,主语一般是指人。例如:
  He is always running out of money before payday.
  4. in the end, at last, finally
  (1)in the end表示事物发展的自然顺序的“终结”,有时可与finally互相换用,in the end还可用于预测将来。例如:
  I hope that everything will turn out all right in the end.
  In the end he found out all the secrets.
  (2)at last表示经过一定曲折之后某事才发生,强调努力的结果,带有较强的感情色彩,须用过去时。例如:
  Did the man in the shop understand him at last?
  He thought and thought for many years. At last he had a good plan.
  They talked about it for hours. Finally they decided not to go.
  After a lot of talk, Alice finally agreed to go home.
  5. please, pleased, pleasing, pleasant
  Please bring your book to me. 请把你的书带给我。
  It’s difficult to please everybody. 很难使每个人都满意。
  pleased, pleasing, pleasant是动词please的派生词。主要用法如下:
  I’m pleased to meet you. 认识您我非常高兴。
  I’m very pleased you’ve decided to come. 你们决定来,我非常高兴。
  He is a pleasing young man. 他是个讨人喜欢的年轻人。
  She was very pleasing in her appearance. 她外表非常讨人喜欢。
  Your mother is a very pleasant person to live with.
  We had a pleasant vacation. 我们度过了一个非常愉快的假期。
  6. invent, discover
  Edison invented the electric light bulb. 爱迪生发明了电灯泡。
  Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。
  7. mistake, error, wrong, fault
  I took your umbrella by mistake.我错拿了你的雨伞。
  He can’t forget the error of his youth.
  Two wrongs do not make a right.两个错误不等于一个正确。
  It is my fault that we are late.我们迟到了,责任在我。
  8. on time, in time
  on time的意思是“准时”,“按时”,指正好在规定的时间内。in time的意思是“及时”,指按照预定的时间行事,不迟,尚有时间可做些别的事情。另外,in time后面可接介词for,on time则不能这样用。试比较:
  The train arrived at the station on time. 火车准时到达。
  You’re just in time for the football match. 你正好赶上足球比赛。
  The baby was badly ill. Luckily the doctor came in time. He was saved. 婴儿病得很重。幸好医生及时赶到,他得救了。
  9. answer, reply, respond
  I called, but no one answered. 我叫了,可是没人回答。
  I sent in my application, and the university replied immediately.
  When we requested the information, the chairman responded.
  answer vt. answer sb., reply为reply to sb.或reply that从句, respond没有这种情况。例如:
  I asked some questions, and my teacher answered me.
  The chairman needs to reply to the workers.
  1. establish, set up, put up, build
  ①Our neighbours ____ their walls high.
  ②They are ____ several high buildings on our street.
  ③We’ll ____ a complete industrial system soon.
  ④The club has ____ a new rule allowing women to join.
  2. bring, take, get, carry
  ①May I ____ this book home?
  ②She ____ a baby in her arms.
  ③Will you please ____ me a new pencil?
  ④Yesterday he ____ the box to the station.
  ⑤Please ____ me a book from the next room.
  ⑥Next time you come, ____ your daughter.
  ⑦The mother told her boy to ____ a note to the teacher and ____ home a reply.
  3. run out, run out of
  His money ____ this morning.
  A. run out ofB. ran out ofC. run outD. ran out
  4. in the end, at last, finally
  We waited ages for a taxi. We gave up ____ and walked home.
  A. at the beginning B. in the end
  C. at first D. at least
  5. please, pleased, pleasing, pleasant
  ①I am ____ that you have a new job.
  ②Will you ____ give me that book?
  ③She returned him a ____ smile.
  ④He is ____ with his new job.
  ⑤Come and stay as long as you ____.
  ⑥It is ____ for us to go on an outing on such a fine day.
  6. on time, in time
  ①We must finish it ____.
  ②I was just ____ for the last bus.
  ③The film began ____.
  ④You must come and renew the book if you can’t finish it ____.
  ⑤She was ____ for the bus.
  7. answer, reply, respond
  ①I don’t ____ him.
  ②He ____ that he had finished the work.
  ③She ____ to my letter with a phone call.
  ④I have not yet ____ to his letter.
  Keys:1.①built ②putting up/setting up ③set up ④established 2.①take ②carried ③bring ④took ⑤get ⑥bring ⑦take, bring 3.D 4.B 5.①pleased ②please ③pleasing ④pleased ⑤please ⑥pleasant 6.①on time ②in time③on time ④in time ⑤in time 7.①answer ②answered/replied ③responded④replied
Ⅰ.词汇。    A)根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。  1.You must pay a____ to your pronunciation, Lin Tao.   2.This car is too expensive. I can’t a____ it.  3.Did he enjoy h____ at the party last Sunday?  4.Don’t w____ too muc
Ⅰ.单项填空。    1. When I was a child, I used to ____ strawberry.  A. likingB. likeC. likedD. likes  2. It ____ that he has been ill for a long time.  A. seemsB. looksC. looks as ifD. seems as if  3. He is
be supposed to do意为“应该,被期望,理应”。用来表示根据规定或传统习惯人们不得不做,或期待发生的事。时态、人称和句式的变化在be上体现,to为不定式符号,后接动词原形。
Unit 11    1.[课文原句]get some information about the town打听城镇的有关情况  [思路点拨]get some information about the town是“询问有关城镇的信息”的意思。about与on都可以表示“关于”之意,组成介词短语作后置定语,但在用法上稍有区别。用on时,常表示严肃的或学术性的,是供专门研究用的,在书面语中用得较多;
I.选择填空  1.She said that she______English before.  A. has never studied B. has studied  C. had study D. had never studied
用v.+off短语的正确形式填空:  1.The boy___(从……摔下来)his bike and broke hs left leg.  2.The milk easily___(变质)in such hot weather.  3.We were___(切断)in the middle of our telephone eonvmsataon.  4.The rain___(从……流下来)
I.词汇。  A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。  1.Open the window and let in some f______air.  2.Don't p______your car over there.  3.Is it s______to swim here?
I.单项选择。  1.What are people in Japan supposed to do when they meet for the first time?  ——They are supposed to______.  A. bow B. kiss C. shake hands D. hug
1. 那个生病的孩子在住院。   误:The sick child is in the hospital.  正:The sick child is in hospital.  析:in hospital意为“住院治疗”,而in the hospital意为“在医院里”(不一定是住院治疗)。再如:go to hospital去医院看病,go to the hospital去医院(办其他事情)。  