在某种意义上,影评人是最不知魇足者。他(她)总归用一只眼睛徜徉着五光十色的银幕,而同时,又用另一只眼睛去“横挑鼻子竖挑眼”——冷嘲热讽而又残酷无情;吹毛求疵却又一针见血。他(她)们是电影的牛虻。本期由一个Internet 的网虫(同时他也是一个电影的真正痴迷者)从全球电脑网上截录的一段段电影批评,可以看作是缀在银幕上的闪闪烁烁的火花,以此可以洞悉成功的电影为什么总有追求至尊至美的那种奥秘般的动力?!也可映照出我们影评界较为苍白的脸庞。附带的一个不算轻微的问题是:Internet 上将会有更多的影迷加入,网上批评家也将会席卷如潮,由此可以想像,职业影评人将会同时遭遇什么?
In a sense, critics are the most underestimated. He or she always uses one eye with a colorful screen, while at the same time using the other eye to “pick a nose and erect one’s eye” - cynical and ruthless; nitpicking and sharp. He (she) are movie bullocks. This issue of online Internet worm (and he is also a real fan of the movie) from the global computer network, a section of film criticism, can be seen as a flash of sparks attached to the screen, in order to insight into the successful Why does the film always have the mysterious power of pursuing supreme beauty? It also reflects the more pale face of our film critics. The one not-trivial issue that comes with it is that there will be more fans joining in on the Internet and online critics will also be swept through, so imagine what professional film critics will encounter at the same time.