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根据协会2005年的工作计划,中国乳制品工业协会成立十周年庆典暨第十一次年会定于2005年8月27日-29日在内蒙古自治区首府呼和浩特市举行。今年是我协会成立十周年,第十一次年会将举办协会成立十周年庆典活动,回顾中国乳业十年的辉煌发展历程,展望美好的发展前景,表彰一批在国内外享有盛名的优秀企业。会议同期举办第十一次年会和第五次“乳品技术精品展示会”。年会将邀请一批国内外知名专家教授作有关生产技术、企业管理、国内外行业发展形势报告;展示会将有150余家设备、包材、配料生产企业展出他们的新技术新产品,标准展位近300个。全国乳制品生产企业、与乳制品加工密切相关的企业、新闻媒体都将出席会议。会议还将邀请国外同行、相关组织以及外国驻华使团出席会议。这将是中国乳制品行业具有历史意义的一次盛会。现将有关事项通知如下: According to the 2005 work plan of the association, the 10th anniversary of China Dairy Products Industry Association and the 11th annual meeting are scheduled to be held in Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region from August 27 to 29, 2005. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of this association. The 11th annual meeting will hold the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the association, reviewing the brilliant development history of China’s dairy industry over the past decade, looking forward to the bright future of development, and honoring a number of outstanding enterprises renowned at home and abroad . The conference held its 11th annual meeting and the 5th “Dairy Technology Exhibition”. Annual meeting will invite a group of well-known domestic and foreign experts and professors for production technology, business management, domestic and international industry situation report; the exhibition will have more than 150 equipment, packaging materials, ingredients manufacturers to exhibit their new technology and new products, Nearly 300 standard booths. National dairy products manufacturing enterprises, enterprises and news media closely related to the processing of dairy products will all attend the meeting. The meeting will also invite foreign counterparts, relevant organizations and foreign ambassadors to attend the conference. This will be a historic event for China’s dairy industry. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
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四川米易县人武部以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,出色完成了2001年度训练任务,在接受省军区的达标验收考核中,取得了优异成绩。其经验被上级转发。他们的做法是: 组织领导到
得知你生病的消息时,我正在陪前男友打游戏。  接着便是连夜的火车,彻夜难眠,我一个人缩在卧铺被子里,整夜地流眼泪。一切来得真的是太突然!也太可怕了!  终于行程结束,我浑浑噩噩地从上铺爬下来后,居然找不到其中一只鞋子,在满车厢人好奇的目光下,提着鞋光着一只脚下了车,像个滑稽的小丑。那是寒冬腊月,南方小城少有的飘雪天气。  而我最难忘的,是终于见到你,在家乡医院的肿瘤科。来之前我还特意在肯德基里化了