人间日疟原虫蚊期发育过程 Wenyon(1926)在其 Protozoology 一书中早已作了精辟的阐述,只是限于当时学科进展的状况,对间日疟原虫在按蚊体内的早期发育阶段描述得还不十分明确。其后 Mackerras(1948)在前人的基础上对间日疟原虫蚊期发育过程的早期各阶段进一步作了比较系统地探讨并且提供了疟原虫蚊期生活史的研究技术。
Wenyon (1926), the developmental stage of the P. vivax mosquito during human development, has long been well documented in his book Protozoology but limited to the state of the discipline at the time, describing the early stage of development of P. vivax in Anopheles mosquitoes Very clear. Later on, Mackerras (1948) further explored the earlier stages of the development of Plasmodium vivax in mosquito stages and provided a systematic review of the research techniques for the life history of Plasmodium.