Achievements Title: “Research on Comprehensive Transportation System - Cognition and Construction”, Economic Science Press, 2013 Researcher: Beijing Jiaotong University and Zhao Jian, Lin Xiaoyan, Tong Qiong, Yu Qing, Li Jinjing and other awards Category: Monograph Award Subjects: Management, Economics Comprehensive transport system research involves the country’s important strategic areas of theory, policy and institutional issues, challenging. The result suggests that integrated transport is a very complex system with an internal structure and external influence. However, its core content is the link and integration of transport modes. The peculiarity of China’s comprehensive transport problem lies in the intertwining of new tasks in the initial transportation phase and the new phase of transportation. It is necessary to jump out of the shackles of traditional thinking as soon as possible and change the mode of development. The issue of integrated transport has reached a time when it should be resolved from the basic concepts and fundamental systems. It is necessary to make a decision