胡杨(Populus euphratica)叶异速生长随发育的变化

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分析了胡杨(Populus euphratica)叶片幼叶期、发育期、成熟期的阔卵圆形叶、卵圆形叶、披针形叶生物量、面积、体积与叶柄生物量的异速生长关系,基于叶片水平探讨胡杨不同叶形叶片对资源分配随发育阶段变化。结果表明:(1)幼叶期3种叶形叶片生物量、叶片面积、叶片体积与叶柄生物量间相关性不显著。(2)发育期阔卵圆形叶片生物量与叶柄生物量存在异速生长关系,卵圆形叶片生物量、叶片面积及叶片体积与叶柄生物量间存在异速生长关系。(3)成熟期3种叶形叶片生物量、叶片面积、叶片体积与叶柄生物量间均存在异速生长关系。(4)发育期,阔卵圆形叶与卵圆形叶片与叶柄共同斜率均显著大于1,表明发育期叶片增长高于叶柄,植株对叶片投资高于叶柄;成熟期2种叶形叶片与叶柄共同斜率均显著小于1,表明成熟期增加了对叶柄的生物量投资。(5)阔卵圆形叶片与卵圆形叶片与叶柄共同斜率高于披针形叶,说明阔卵圆形叶与卵圆形叶较披针形叶分配更多资源于叶片。 The allometric relationships between the biomass, area and volume of broad oval leaves, ovoid leaves and lanceolate leaves of Populus euphratica leaves at young, mature and mature stages were analyzed. Leaf level to explore the different leaf shape of Populus euphratica leaves distribution of resources changes with the development stage. The results showed that: (1) There were no significant correlations between leaf biomass, leaf area, leaf volume and petiole biomass in young leaves. (2) There was an allometric relationship between the biomass of the broad oval leaves and the biomass of the petioles in the developmental stages. There was an allometric relationship between the biomass of the ovoid leaves, leaf area and leaf volume and petiole biomass. (3) There was an allometric relationship between biomass, leaf area, leaf volume and petiole biomass of three leaf-shaped leaves at maturity. (4) The common slopes of broad ovoid leaves and ovoid leaves and petiole were significantly larger than 1 at the developmental stage, indicating that the growth of leaves at the developmental stage was higher than that at the petioles, and the plant investment on the leaves was higher than that on the petioles; Petiole common slopes were significantly less than 1, indicating increased biomass on petiole at maturity. (5) The common slope of the broad oval leaves and the ovoid leaves and the petioles is higher than that of the lanceolate leaves, indicating that the broad oval leaves and the oval leaves distribute more resources to the leaves than the lanceolate leaves.
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