The so-called multicolored porcelain, according to the ancient ceramic dictionary explained for a variety of colors, rich color, colorful. The so-called multicolored porcelain, according to the ancient ceramic dictionary explained for a variety of colors, rich color, colorful. Talk about the multicolored porcelain, it is an interesting topic, it is rich in variety, divided into multicolored glaze, blue and white multicolored, underglaze multicolored several. Since the creation of the Ming dynasty, it has been burning in the traditional form of glaze or glaze with glaze blue and lasted for a long time. During the Qing dynasty, Kangqian period, although there are colorful plus gold, blue and flour and other processes, but did not break the glaze-based situation. The underglaze multicolored is a new breed of singery that refers specifically to the end of the Qing Dynasty Xuan Tong, and the blue and red under the name of glaze, is a major underglaze painted varieties. However, the amount of firing at that time was not that much more commonplace.