一般采取沟贮冻藏,其方法是: 1.选择耐寒力较强、丰产质佳的尖叶菠菜,在霜降至立冬前收获。收获时连根刨起捆好。如外界气温尚暖,可放到背阴处预贮或暂时埋在地面假贮,防止根叶风干。待外温显著下降后进行贮藏。 2.选择地势平坦、背风、干燥的地方挖贮藏沟。沟长6米、宽1米、深0.8—1米。在沟底中间挖一条宽40厘米、深30厘米的通风沟,与沟两端的通气孔相通,用来通风,上用秫秸盖上。 3.一般在立冬前后开始入沟,
The general method to take ditch storage, the method is: 1. Choose strong cold hardy, high yield and good quality sharp leaf spinach, in the frost down before winter harvest. Harvest even when the root planing tied. If the outside world is still warm, can be stored in the shade or temporarily buried in the ground fake storage, to prevent the leaves dry. After the temperature dropped significantly after storage. 2. Choose flat, leeward, dry digging ditches. Ditch 6 meters long, 1 meter wide, 0.8-1 meters deep. In the middle of the ditch dug a width of 40 cm, 30 cm deep venting groove, communicating with the vents at both ends of the trench for ventilation, covered with straw. 3. Generally before and after the beginning of winter into the ditch,