湖北省沔阳县有100万亩水田,大部分是湖田。湖田泥脚深,耕牛、拖拉机无法下田耕作。过去用人拉犁,劳动繁重,工效低,影响农业的稳产、高产。该县贫下中农创造了“机耕船”(当地又叫“机滚船”),解决了湖田的机耕问题。 “机耕船”是一只小木船,船上装一台十马力柴油机带动船尾一个轧滚。轧滚旋转时把泥打烂,同时又推动船身前进。它具有如下优点:
Mianyang County, Hubei Province has 100 million mu of paddy fields, most of them are Hutian. Hu Tian deep mud, cattle, tractors can not farm under the field. Plow in the past employing, heavy labor, low work efficiency, affecting the steady and high yield of agriculture. The poor and middle peasants in this county have created “tillage boat ” (also known locally as “rolling boat ”), to solve the problem of tillage in Hutian. “Tiller ” is a small wooden boat, loaded with a ten-horsepower diesel engine on the stern of a roll. Rolling mud to smash, while promoting the boat forward. It has the following advantages: