Health personnel’s experience with resident-centered care in nursing homes in Korea: A qualitative s

来源 :国际护理科学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanghuayu1985
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Objectives: Changing the culture in nursing homes in South Korea comes with challenges,and the key issues of resident-centered care have been described.This study aims to describe health personnel’s experience in providing resident-centered care in nursing homes.Methods: Qualitative data were collected through individual and focus group interviews consisting of registered nurses (n =4),certified nurse assistants (n =2),and long-term caregivers (n =12) working at nursing homes in South Korea.The participants (n-18) completed the interviews from May to June 2018,and all interviews were recorded,transcribed,and analyzed by employing the content analysis method.Results: Five main categories are conceptualized: (1) residents’ participation in decision making,(2) the sharing of the history and story of residents,(3) the recognition of facility-or task-based attitudes,(4) the guarantee of private time and space for residents,and (5) the need for standardized guidelines.Conclusions: Results corroborate that health personnel regard resident-centered care as a desirable nursing paradigm.However,facility-or task-centered care is the most effective in hectic situations.A standardized protocol on the application of resident-centered care based on the facility-tailored specification is unavailable.Therefore,health personnel’s perception and practice of resident-centered care can differ.Efficient nursing intervention programs should be developed after clarifying facility culture.
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中国书法中的行草书体,是最抒情的。文人墨客注重拙重深沉的笔墨力度和韵律美感,以三大行书为例,从《兰亭序》到《祭侄季明文稿》,尤以苏轼的《黄州寒食诗》为重,通过书风趣味上的细细辨明,可以领略其中迥异的美学特征。  东晋永和九年(公元353年)王羲之即兴写就的《兰亭序》,章法、结字、运笔堪称完美潇洒,融平正与奇侧于一体的典范。派生出后世书风的两大支流,偏于平正一路书风,诸如智永、虞世南,赵孟烦等;偏于