【摘 要】
Given n samples (viewed as an n-tuple) of a γ-regular discrete distribution π,in this article the authors concern with the weighted and unweighted graphs induced by the n samples.They first prove a series of SLLN results (of Dvoretzky-Erd(o)s\' type).Th
【机 构】
School of Mathematical Sciences,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240,China;School of Mathema
Given n samples (viewed as an n-tuple) of a γ-regular discrete distribution π,in this article the authors concern with the weighted and unweighted graphs induced by the n samples.They first prove a series of SLLN results (of Dvoretzky-Erd(o)s\' type).Then they show that the vertex weights of the graphs under investigation obey asymptotically power law distributions with exponent 1 + γ They also give a conjecture that the degrees of unweighted graphs would exhibit asymptotically power law distributions with constant exponent 2.This exponent is obviously independent of the parameter γ ∈ (0,1),which is a surprise to us at first sight.
人们对于美的追求是对于生命本真的追求,数学美是数学生命力的重要支柱,是数学教育目标之一,是数学教师对数学教学的理性追求.学校的数学教育教学,承载着美育教育的任务.rn1 数学之美rn美是自然的,是一切事物生存和发展的本质特征.法国数学家笛卡尔也说过,美是客观适应满足于主观感受与体验的一种特征.张文俊认为,数学的美就是数学问题的结论或解决问题过程适应人类的心理需要而产生的一种满足感,简洁的表现形式,精细的思考方法,处处充满着理性、高雅、和谐之美,这是真与善的客观表现[1].
Let G be a finite group,H be a proper subgroup of G,and S be a unitary subring of C.The kernel of the restriction map S[Irr(G)]→ S[Irr(H)]as a ring homomorphism is studied.As a corollary,the main result in[Isaacs,I.M.and Navarro,G.,Injective restriction o
In this paper,the authors give a comparison version of Pythagorean theo-rem to judge the lower or upper bound of the curvature of Alexandrov spaces (including Riemannian manifolds).
数学实验是一种探究性实践活动,是学生通过动手动脑、以“做”为支架的数学教与学的活动方式[1].《义务教育数学课程标准(2011 版)》指出,数学活动经验的积累是提高学生数学素养的重要标志,数学活动经验需要在“做”的过程和“思考”的过程中积淀,是在数学学习活动过程中逐步积累的[2].学科素养是在学科活动中形成的,开展数学实验教学,对于学生适应个人终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格与关键能力的培养有着独特的教育价值.因此,数学实验是开展学科核心素养落地教学的重要载体.
Suppose that λ1,…,λ5 are nonzero real numbers,not all of the same sign,satisfying that λ1/λ2 is irrational.Then for any given real number η and ε > 0,the inequality|λ1p1+λ2p22+λ3p33+λ4p44+λ5p55+η|<(max1≤j≤5pjj)-19/756+ε has infinitely many solutions in pr